Document no. 18 attached to the Director's Decree of 9 December. This Decree partially modifies document 18 attached to the Director's Decree of 17 November 2020.
1. With the exception of the provisions of point 2. below, all teaching, training and curricular activities, including language classes, seminars, office hours and other meetings with external parties, take place online without exception.
2. The following teaching, training, curricular, practical and/or experimental activities may be carried out face to face, in compliance with anti-contagion rules:
• training activities aimed at classes with a reduced number of students, see maximum capacity of the lecture rooms by accessing web page (undergraduate and postgraduate students);
• experimental laboratory activities;
• curricular internships of study courses, when these cannot be carried out remotely (subject to certification by the lecturers of reference);
• other teaching activities that are difficult to carry out remotely, subject to the certification of the lecturers of reference (e.g. didactic laboratories and laboratories aimed at working on undergraduate postgraduate theses);
• doctoral research activities (such as research seminars);
• internal exams (as well as those for the achievement of educational qualifications);
• access to study rooms (see also the following paragraph "N - Use of common areas");
• access to library services (see also the following paragraph "D - Library").
3. The teaching staff undertakes to supervise all the students to avoid slowdowns in their courses of study.
4. Students with disabilities can arrange tailored methods of study through the Teaching and Student Service.
1. Research activities can continue compatibly with the current health emergency situation and in absolute compliance with the health provisions in force.
2. Research activities in the laboratories can continue only in compliance with the provisions set forth by the Directors of the laboratories themselves, provided that the rules on personal distancing are respected and in any case for research that cannot be postponed. Access to the laboratories is allowed only and exclusively to personnel that has been authorized by the Directors of the laboratories. However, access to the laboratories is precluded to all those who show symptoms of respiratory infection and a temperature greater than 37.5 °C as well as to those who have been in contact with the latter.
3. Any experimental activity is in any case regulated by a specific attachment to the risk assessment document (DVR) which takes into account the risks related to COVID-19, as indicated by the SNS’s Prevention and Protection Service (SPP).
1. The cultural and third mission activities and events, including conferences and training courses for non SNS members, are carried out online and through the main social media channels. Public ceremonies can only take place in compliance with the protocols and guidelines in force and in the absence of public.
2. All educational visits are suspended.
1. The library services are open to the entire community of the SNS and also to the public and can be used in accordance with the protocols in force following the booking procedures (see attachment no. 10 to the Director's Decree no. 612/2020).
1. The Archival Centre can carry out its activities in accordance with its guidelines established by the specific risk assessment document (see attachment no. 11 to the Director's Decree no. 612/2020).
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the current disciplinary regulations ( ), students who leave their College will no longer be able to return before the end of the year 2020, but must wait until its reopening.
Students who intend to leave their College for a few days and plan to return within the year 2020, must ask the Director for prior authorization. For the latter students arrangements will be made for their return. Without an authorisation from the Director they will not be allowed to return.
2. The common areas of the Colleges can only be accessed by resident students, always taking care to wear a protective mask and to maintain the recommended interpersonal distance of 1.80 metres, with a minimum distance of 1 metre.
3. Those who are not members of a certain College are not allowed access even if they are SNS students.
4. Specific regulations define the rules of conduct that students residing in the Colleges of the SNS must follow during the current period of health emergency, with particular focus on the use of common areas. Please remember that the violation of these rules is not only sanctioned according to the national legislation in force: there will also be disciplinary sanctions.
5. Please bear in mind the obligation to wear protective masks in every common area of the Colleges according to the indications contained in the Appendix to the Regulations of Conduct for students residing in the Colleges of the SNS, respecting the minimum interpersonal distance of 1.80 m where possible (in any case no less than 1 metre).
6. The Colleges of the SNS are closed from 20 December 2020 to 9 January 2021, included. It is understood that any changes or extensions to the closure of the Colleges may be promptly arranged in consideration of the trend of the COVID-19 epidemic.
7. In consideration of the foreseeable trend of the epidemic and of the need to ensure the necessary health precautions of the people who live and work in the Colleges, the restriction referred to in the previous point F.1 will continue to apply until further notice.
Therefore, students who return to their College starting from January 10, 2021 and who intend to leave their College at a later date, will not be able to return.
Students who, for well-founded and proven reasons, intend to leave their College starting from January 10, 2021 and plan to return within a few days, must ask the Director of the SNS for prior authorization. For the latter students arrangements will be made for their return. Without an authorisation from the Director they will not be allowed to return.
1. The canteen service in Pisa is provided according to the specific procedures set out in the document called “Guidelines for the containment of Covid-19 - Canteen”. In particular, priority is given to undergraduate students and postgraduate students.
2. We recommend you to use the meal reservation system by accessing the web page
3. Meals are delivered directly to the rooms of the students residing in the Colleges who need it in because of their state of health (illness, quarantine or self-isolation ...).
4. The canteen service in Pisa is suspended from 20 December 2020 to 9 January 2021, included. It is understood that any changes or extensions to the closure of the Colleges may be promptly arranged in consideration of the trend of the COVID-19 epidemic.
1. Notwithstanding compliance with the procedures established by the health authorities in relation to the management of the ongoing health emergency (on and on, communications and useful numbers are available), students residing in Pisa and Florence can contact, by phone or by email, a doctor specifically appointed by the SNS, to ask for health information.
In order to manage the latter in a coordinated manner, an online request form has been prepared for the students. The form is available at the following link: Medical advice form.
2. The SNS delivers protective masks in the quantities available to the students residing in the Colleges (of Pisa and Florence). The masks must be used according to the current regulations, summarized below:
a) it is mandatory to always have protective masks with you;
b) protective masks must be worn in indoor public and private areas open to the public, in the presence of other people;
b) Protective masks must also be worn in outdoor areas, public or open to the public, in the presence of other people, where it is mandatory to maintain social distance.
3. All students must choose a general practitioner (a so-called medico di base o di famiglia) based in Pisa or Florence.
1. The psychological counselling service for students continues online to the extent that this is deemed possible by the professionals appointed by the SNS.
1. Curricular internships can continue to take place in person if the tutor confirms that it is not possible to carry them out online.
2. For the 2020/2021 academic year, mobility and internship programmes abroad, already authorized with reserve, within specific international mobility programmes, can only be carried out after verification by the SNS’s Internationalization Service regarding the conditions relating to international mobility.
This verification will be carried out taking into account the restrictions set forth by art. 6 of the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3, 2020, those ordered by the competent authorities (Italian and foreign) as well as the willingness to welcome students by the universities or institutions of destination.
3. Where appropriate, and on the basis of specific agreements with the institutions of reference of the Internationalization Service, the mobility and internships programmes can be carried out totally or partially online.
4. For the mobility programmes activated within the Erasmus + Programme (study and internship), in addition to the measures described in the previous paragraphs 2 and 3, the provisions issued from time to time by the Erasmus Indire National Agency are applied (the Internationalization Service will give prompt information regarding the latter to those who are interested).
5. Off-site research and study activities to be activated directly by the student (so-called mobilità a sportello), including internships, can be carried out on condition that they comply with national and regional regulations limiting freedom of movement, as well as the provisions regarding the circulation between states. Programming these activities at least for 2020 is strongly discouraged, although the latter is left to individual assessment; in any case, the lecturer of reference must certify that the individual research activity is indispensable and cannot be postponed. In case of doubts regarding the protection measures to be adopted in relation to the specificities of the individual activity, it is necessary to ask for the support of the Prevention and Protection Service and of the Medical officer.
6. Students who arrive at the SNS in the academic year 2020/21 as part of specific mobility programmes (national and international) will not have access to the Colleges, while access to the canteen service will be allowed. The Catering, Colleges and Hospitality Service, the Internationalization Service and the Teaching and Student Service of the SNS will arrange alternative forms of hospitality, where board and lodging is included in the inter-university agreements, and will assist students to facilitate any attendance to online or mixed mode courses.
7. Reception of external visitors (visiting students, visiting researchers), Italian and foreign, is suspended until 31 December 2020.
8. Further information for students abroad are published on the SNS website at, which is periodically updated.
1. The meetings of the authorities (including those envisaged in the Statute of the SNS), of the commissions (including examination commissions) and of the working groups are held online.
1. The students of the undergraduate course and of the postgraduate course can access the lecture rooms and study rooms only upon reservation by accessing the web page and in any case only if strictly necessary for their study needs.
2. The lecture rooms can be used by lecturers for online lessons if they do not have the possibility of connecting to the web from home.
3. Researchers and fellows are strongly advised to continue, as far as possible, their work from their home, with the exception of the experimental activities to be carried out in the research laboratories, in compliance with the provisions defined by the individual laboratories and with point 3. of the previous paragraph B).
4. Access of workers to the premises of the SNS is subject to compliance with the indications provided in the document called "Anti-contagion protocol of the SNS".
5. All those who access the premises of the SNS must check their body temperature at the specific stations located at the entrances: access will be denied to anyone with a temperature above 37.5 ° C or symptoms of COVID-19.
6. All those who enter the premises of the SNS must be equipped with a protective mask and must always respect the minimum interpersonal distance of 1 metre or, where possible, at least 1.80 metres (unless otherwise specified). Everyone must also observe the rules related to hand hygiene and adopt correct hygiene habits.
1. Missions in Italy and abroad, including those for research purposes, can be carried out in compliance with the provisions of current legislation and, in particular, of art. 6 and ss. of the prime Minister’s Decree of 3 December 2020.
2. The Deans, the scientific leaders of the research projects and the managers of the structures of the SNS must adopt alternative online solutions to those involving the movement of people (by way of example and not limited to: examinations, commissions and other meetings).
1. All competition procedures are suspended, with the exception of those in which the assessment of candidates is carried out exclusively on the basis of the curriculum or online.