Pisa, Saturday, 7 March 2020.

Dear students,

taking the rapid evolution of the Coronavirus infection into account, we ask all of you who,
despite the latest recommendations, have voluntarily left their college in the last days to go to destinations outside the Tuscany region not to return to Pisa until March 15. The return to the
college will be authorized only for exceptional cases to be presented to our attention
(rettrice@santannapisa.it, infosalute@santannapisa.it for SSSA and luigi.ambrosio@sns.it,
emergenza.coronavirus@sns.it for SNS) and in any case, the self-quarantine regime must be
provided for students who return to Pisa in the next few days.

This provision aims to guarantee everyone's health and to avoid further possibilities of
Sure of your understanding and collaboration, we invite everyone to attend the online courses
we are organizing.

Best wishes

Sabina Nuti and Luigi Ambrosio