Dear All,
Since recent cases of New Coronavirus infection have occurred in northern Italy and the ongoing evaluation of some cases also in the Pisan area and in the Grosseto area, it is necessary to inform the academic community of the School on the behaviors to be taken in this situation.
All are invited to strictly observe normal respiratory hygiene practices, that is:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or with alcoholic solutions (viruses can spread when contaminated surfaces are touched).
- Sneeze or cough in a tissue or with your elbow flexed, use a mask and throw the used tissues in a closed basket immediately after use
- Avoid touching the eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands, avoid close contact with people who are sick or who show symptoms of respiratory diseases (such as coughing and sneezing)
All those who have flu symptoms, as per normal precautions for the prevention of respiratory diseases, are invited to:
- refrain from attending public places (common spaces, classrooms, laboratories, offices, canteens)
- follow proper respiratory hygiene (avoid close contact; cover sneezing and coughing with a handkerchief, preferably disposable; wash your hands often; use, if you have one and is tolerated, a surgical mask when in contact with others)
- avoid going to the emergency room spontaneously in case of febrile respiratory diseases but refer to your general practitioner or 118 for an assessment of your health
Students are reminded of the possibility of receiving meals in their own room in case of illness by contacting the canteen service in advance.
On the World Health Organization (WHO) website you will find a guide on the necessary behaviors to adopt:
Given the current epidemiological situation, an ordinance of stay of 14 days has been ordered by the Ministry of Health for all those returning from China.
In addition, all members of the Scuola Normale are invited to report any stay in the last 14 days or close contact with people who have been in the Municipalities of the North-East and proceed with self-isolation. Most cases of contagion, 39, are in Lombardy, all concentrated in the lower Lodi area. In Veneto, however, 11 cases are concentrated in the municipality of Vo 'Euganeo (Padua), in addition to 1 case, in Mira (Venice). A limited map for now which also presents a case in Piedmont, in Turin, but also from the Lombard outbreak.
For any report you can reply to this email,
Please also remember for any useful information you can contact the public utility telephone number set up by the Ministry of Health 1500 active h24. The Tuscany Region has made available to citizens a toll-free number (800.556060, option 1), active from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 15.