Free collection of funds by the Scuola Normale Superiore to be donated to the Pisan University Hospital or to the Careggi University Hospital. Deadline April 30, 2020.

Dear all,

after the spontaneous movement born from the message, on March 23, of our PhD student Akash Deep Biswas, I activated myself, as I promised you, to make donations possible through the Scuola Normale. With the help of Deputy Director Mario Piazza and the head of the legal affairs service Massimo Asaro, we have prepared the following procedure, consistent with Legislative Decree n. 18/2020 regarding payments in favor of public bodies and bodies of the NHS to be used in support of measures to fight the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19.

By April 30th, donations can be made by bank transaction in favor of the bank account in the name of the Scuola Normale Superiore at Banca Popolare di Milano

IBAN: IT06A 05034 14011 000000606060                 

with the following reason:

COVID-19 donation

The donor then sends an email to, indicating in case a more specific destination (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana o Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi) and attaching the bank transfer receipt.

The Scuola will manage this operation of free fundraising and devolution in its own name and on behalf of the donors to the two companies, in the exclusive public interest and therefore without costs/proceeds and use of tax benefits. The Scuola will make public the sums collected and transferred to each of the two Companies, with a short press release on its institutional website, not making public the personal data of the donors and the sums donated by each.

I thank all those who have already expressed their intention to donate and I have no doubts about the success of this spontaneous initiative. I also take this opportunity to thank Dr. Barbara Gradara and all the staff of the budget and administration area for the help provided in this circumstance, beyond the office duties.