Statement from the Academic Senate of the Scuola Normale, after the meeting that took place today.

Pisa, 19th february 2020

The Academic Senate of the Scuola Normale Superiore supports the statement of the University of Bologna that has expressed deep concern about  the arrest and detention condition of  Patrick George Zaky, a student of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Arts "GEMMA" in Women's and Gender Studies, detained in Egypt since February 7th.

The Scuola Normale Superiore urges the Italian Government and the European Union to protect Patrick Zaky's fundamental rights  from any violation. In line with the Scuola Normale ’s commitment on freedom of thought,
critical thinking, freedom of speech and human rights, we urge an immediate and safe return of Patrick to Italy and his studies at the University of Bologna.

As the memory of what happened to Giulio Regeni continues to be vividly painful for our community and as justice for his killing remains unmet, we urge the representatives of the Italian government and the European Union to bolster their efforts to ensure justice for Giulio Regeni and safety and personal freedom for Patrick George Zaky.