Following the issue by the Government of the Prime Minister's Decree of 11.03.2020, the following provisions are communicated, starting from tomorrow, 13 March 2020.

Undergraduate, PhD and visiting students of the School are not allowed to enter the classrooms, offices and common areas with the following exceptions:
- common areas of the colleges for students residing in them, always taking care to maintain an adequate interpersonal distance
- research laboratories for experimental activities only, in compliance with the provisions defined by each laboratory

PROFESSORS, RESEARCHERS, "Assegnisti di Ricerca"
It is strongly recommended to continue, as far as possible, your work from your home, with the exception of only experimental activities to be carried out in the research laboratories, in compliance with the provisions defined by each laboratory.

With the only exception of the essential services, the staff carries out work in "smarkworking" mode from home. Users can contact the staff by e-mail (the addresses of the services are available at

All the spaces of the School, for the only people who are allowed to enter, will be open from 8 to 18.

12 March 2020