The Conference of the Italian Universities Rectors on a proposal of the members of the Italian NETWORK OF UNIVERSITIES FOR PEACE, deeply concerned about the escalation of armed violence in Northeast Syria, particularly to the detriment of the Kurd ethnic group, shocked by the gravity of the news reporting that civilian persons, human rights activists and combatants have been killed, alarmed by the threat to international peace caused by this new intensification of armed activities in Syria, seriously concerned about the risk of a new humanitarian crisis in Syria and in neighbouring countries,

firmly reiterate the utmost importance of peace as the main value and foundation of human coexistence;

recognize that tolerance, mutual understanding and consideration of the reasons of others are the foundations of international peace;

demand that the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations are respected in all circumstances, particularly through the development and reinforcement of friendly relations among nations and peoples;

call for a peaceful resolution of international disputes and conflicts of whatever kind – including ideological, political, ethnic or religious ones – through the use of diplomacy and peaceful dialogue, without any recourse to armed force;

demand that full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is ensured at all times in the territory of Northeast Syria;

call for an immediate halt of armed operations in the territory of Northeast Syria, as well as for the beginning of a peaceful diplomatic dialogue between the parties involved in the dispute;

request that humanitarian organizations are allowed to provide prompt relief and assistance in favour of the civilian populations of Northeast Syria, in an environment where the personal safety of their operators is fully guaranteed.