The Italian section of Scholars at Risk (SAR Italy) has sent a petition to the President of the Republic of Turkey expressing our concern for the appointment as a rector of Prof. Melih Bulu, known for ties to the ruling conservative AK Party.

Pisa, 4 March 2021.

The Scuola Normale Superiore signs the SAR Italy petition in support of Boğaziçi University,  one of Turkey’s top universities. Since January 2021 Boğaziçi University tries to protect its core higher education values such as the university autonomy and academic freedom. 1 st January Prof. Melih Bulu, known for ties to the ruling conservative AK Party, was appointed as a rector of Boğaziçi University,. The students and faculty began to protest the appointment by President R. T. Erdoğan and demand a democratic election by the faculty members.

The Italian section of Scholars at Risk (SAR Italy) has sent a petition to the President of the Republic of Turkey expressing our concern for the serious events that have affected the Boğaziçi Univeristy community and the Turkish higher education system since January 2021, standing in solidarity with all the students and scholars of the university and urge the government to release all students still in custody, withdraw all charges and restore university self-government.