The Normale has been selected for HEInnovate, the European project for university innovation 20 Dicembre 2018
On December 6th 2018 the delegation of HEInnovate, led by the secretary of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), was in Pisa to gather information on the existing activities and on the strategies envisaged in terms of teaching and research of the institution.
Cappelli’s theoretical chemistry research has been awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant 20 Dicembre 2018
The object of the study will be the realistic simulation of spectra of molecules that interact with metallic nanoparticles, metallic nanoaggregates and graphene sheets.
Rethinking the Italian University. A discussion at the headquarters of Treccani 19 Dicembre 2018
On Tuesday, December 18 at the headquarters of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani the following round table is scheduled: “University and country system: what policies are needed for the reform of the university system?”. The debate is organized by ‘Agenda’ – a think tank founded by students of the Scuola Normale and the Scuo…
“The Normale is an ideal environment for those who have great goals” 1 Agosto 2018
By Vincenzo Barone* “The Fields Medal awarded to Alessio Figalli confirms the tradition of educational excellence which distinguishes the Scuola Normale in all its basic subjects.
“Alessio, exceptionally talented with a charismatic personality” 1 Agosto 2018
By Luigi Ambrosio* Alessio Figalli is a mathematician and, in particular, a problem solver, of exceptional talent. I can see in him the qualities which I believe fundamental to achieving success in the world of research
“I dedicate this medal also to my mentors” 1 Agosto 2018
By Alessio Figalli* “The Fields Medal rewards the continuity of a work that has stretched over time starting from the year of my degree in Pisa and of my Ph.D carried out between Pisa and Lyon. There have been very important encounters in my life which have determined the evolution of my career.
Fields Medal to the Normale alumnus Alessio Figalli 1 Agosto 2018
PISA, 1st August 2018. Mathematician Alessio Figalli has won the Fields Medal. This young Italian scientist, alumnus of the Scuola Normale Superiore and since 2016 professor at ETH Zurich, received the most sought-after recognition for mathematicians (considered to be the equivalent of the Nobel Prize) during the opening ceremony of the 28th…
PhD: the Scuola Normale expands its study syllabus with 3 additional courses 19 Giugno 2018
The Scuola Normale is expanding its post-graduate study syllabus with three PhD courses: in “Astrochemistry”, "Global History and Governance" and "Transnational Governance". They are organized in partnership with other university institutions: the first two with the Federico II University of Naples, the third with the Sant'Anna School of Adv…