PRIN 2017 awards for high energy physics at Scuola Normale 12 Marzo 2019
Ministry of Education, University and Research having obtained the highest scores among the only 15 in Italy that have been admitted to funding in the PE2 sector.
A novel lab-on-a-chip for brain-biomarkers realized at NEST Lab 7 Marzo 2019
It has been carried out by Dr. Matteo Agostini under the supervision and guide of Dr. Marco Cecchini of Istituto Nanoscienze CNR (CNR-NANO) and the support of his research group.
Election of Director. The sole candidate is Luigi Ambrosio 7 Marzo 2019
Elections will take place during the first half of May. From today, Ambrosio (full professor of Mathematical Analysis) will be able to submit his mandate programme to the professors, the students, the researchers and the technical / administrative staff of the Scuola Normale.
Luigi Ambrosio has been awarded a grant from the MIUR (the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) 21 Febbraio 2019
He will coordinate a research group involving units from the Universities of Pisa, Pavia, Genoa, Trento and the Federico II University of Naples. The project "Gradient flows, Optimal Transport and Metric Measure Structures" has received € 408,000 within the framework of the PRIN 2017 call .
In orbit around the nanoworld, hunting for molecule 11 Febbraio 2019
Researchers at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), led by Prof. Francesco Cardarelli, go hunting for signals inside the cells, chasing and capturing with light the structures that emit them. Now the MIUR judges these ideas and these preliminary results of "relevant national interest" and funds Prof. Cardarelli with half a million euros, as t…
The Miur is funding the research projects of two professors of Contemporary History 11 Febbraio 2019
Ilaria Pavan and Silvio Pons were the winners for two project "The welfare-warfare nexus. The Italian experience in transnational perspective: total wars, citizenship and the transformation of the welfare state” (Pavan) and "How Communism went global. Building connections between Soviet, European, and African communists, 1920s to 1960s " (P…
A novel therapeutic target for Alzheimer Disease 7 Febbraio 2019
The team coordinated by Dr. Cristina Di Primio at Laboratory of Biology (Bio@SNS) discovered a new function of Tau protein: a small amount of Tau localizes in the neuronal nucleus and modulates the expression of genes involved in the pathology.
Towards the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of a rare genetic disease 6 Febbraio 2019
Annalisa Pastore has been awarded a grant from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research within the framework of the PRIN 2017 call (funds granted to “Projects of Relevant National Interest”). The project 'The role of frataxin in iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis' received over half a million (587.000 Euro)