How to determine protein structure by in vitro molecular evolution. 14 Novembre 2019
In an interdisciplinary study carried out in the Biology Laboratory of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Bio@SNS), Marco Fantini, PhD at SNS, has developed a new method that offers the prospect of determining protein structure without the need to produce and purify proteins to determine their structure by traditional methods.
Full Professor: Greek Language and Literature 29 Ottobre 2019
Public competition for the recruitment of one Full Professor, Academic Recruitment Field/Discipline Greek Language and Literature.
Syria: immediate halt to military operations 17 Ottobre 2019
The Conference of the Italian Universities Rectors on a proposal of the members of the Italian NETWORK OF UNIVERSITIES FOR PEACE, deeply concerned about the escalation of armed violence in Northeast Syria, particularly to the detriment of the Kurd ethnic group, shocked by the gravity of the news reporting that civilian persons, human rights act
The Director of the Normale, Luigi Ambrosio, has received the 2019 Premio Balzan 11 Settembre 2019
The prestigious award was announced at the headquarters of the Fondazione Internazionale Balzan.The awards ceremony will take place in Bern on November 15th.
The Normale: first European venue for the International Ovidian Society 31 Maggio 2019
The Scuola Normale (Pisa) will host two study days, June 18th and 19th, calling on experts from around the world to celebrate Ovid and his fortunes.
"Synthetic and Systems Biology Summer School" a the Scuola Normale 29 Maggio 2019
The Summer School on "Synthetic and Systems Biology" will be held from 22 to 26 July 2019. Speakers include Jason Chin of Cambridge, who for the first time reconstructed the entire genetic material of the bacterium Escherichia coli in a laboratory. The school is organized by Bio@SNS.
Theoretical Physics. Expressions of interest 20 Marzo 2019
SNS looks for candidates with a high record of achievements, a clear potential to promote and lead research activities and a specific interest in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level small numbers of particularly skillful students. Deadline: 1th July 2019.
The molecular traces of memory. Prof. Cattaneo has been awarded a grant from the MIUR 14 Marzo 2019
The funded project, "Synaptic engrams in memory formation and recall", aims to understand how the brain is able to form a physical trace – technically defined as an "engram" – that allows the acquisition and storage of the information constituting the building blocks of episodic memories .