Does inhibition of mitochondria improve longevity? 25 Febbraio 2016
It’s well known that genetic differences among individuals influence lifespan, but new research in the February 24th issue of Cell Systems suggests that differences in patterns of gene expression in young age may also predict longevity.
PhD Call 2016-2017: 91 places available 10 Febbraio 2016
As always, the Scuola Normale PhD courses are open to all citizens with a degree, the candidates are selected according to the research project they present and an assessment of their skills.
Scuola Normale: 5 calls for associate professor posts to be assigned in the next two months 21 Ottobre 2015
Calls are still open for the assignation of five associate professor posts. Four posts – two of full professors and two of associate professors – are due to be assigned in the next few days with the conclusion of the call procedures.
Honorary Doctorate to Donatella della Porta 30 Settembre 2015
Donatella della Porta will also deliver a Public Lecture titled “Past and Present: History as resource and constraint for social movements” at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Goteborg.
To reconstruct neural retina and hypothalamus in a Petri dish 18 Settembre 2015
How can we grow parts of the brain in a Petri dish starting from Embryonic Stem (ES) cells? A group of students of the PhD program in neuroscience and researchers working in the BioSNS Laboratory of Biology of the Scuola Normale recently gave an important contribution to this issue.
ALMA Watches Assembly of Galaxies Less Than a Billion Years after Big Bang 23 Luglio 2015
he ALMA telescope has been used to detect the most distant clouds of star-forming gas yet found in normal galaxies in the early Universe.This is the first time that such galaxies are seen as more than just faint blobs.
Biodegradable hollow silica nanospheres containing gold nanoparticle arrays 12 Giugno 2015
In a new paper accepted on “Chemical Comunication” journal Valerio Voliani and collaborators presented a highly reproducible, functional and biodegradable nanosystem composed of hollow silica nanoparticles.
How experience impacts on the brain DNA in the first period of life? 26 Maggio 2015
Thanks to a research carried out at the Laboratory of Biology BIO@SNS of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and at the Institute of Neuroscience of the National Research Council in Pisa, we can face this important question.