The European Commission has funded the PAINCAGE project coordinated by Antonino Cattaneo 22 Aprile 2014
The European Commission has funded with over 5.8 milion Euros, the PAINCAGE project coordinated by Antonino Cattaneo, the Director of the Laboratory of Biology (Bio@SNS) at Scuola Normale Superiore. Antonino Cattaneo will coordinate a consortium of 9 international leading groups in the NGF, endocannabinoid and pain scientific arena.
ERC has funded a project supervised by Amos Bertolacci. ‘Metaphysics’ by Avicenna, will be republished 27 Novembre 2013
Bertolacci will work with a team of 10 researchers in the next five years to try and fill the gap in the bibliography of the most famous philosopher in Islamic culture who lived at the turn of the first millennium.
The European Mathematical Society awards two ex Normale students 3 Luglio 2012
Today, July 2, at the opening of the sixth conference of the European Mathematical Society, the leading European organization dedicated to the development of mathematics, ten prizes reserved for European mathematicians under 35 were awarded. Two of the awards went to young mathematicians who studied at the Scuola Normale: Corinna Ulcigrai,…