PhD call for the academic year 2017-2018. 78 places available 24 Gennaio 2017
Interviews will be held from 20 March 2017. Application for admission must be made on line in the SNS website by 12 PM (CET) of 20 February 2017.
Hitting and neutralising intracellular protein interactions 17 Gennaio 2017
This is the objective of PISA (Post-translational Intracellular Antibodies Silencing), a technology developed by a team of students and researchers led by Professor Antonino Cattaneo, at the Laboratory Bio@SNS of the Scuola Normale Superiore.
Quantum Thermodynamics meets Quantum Estimation Theory 29 Settembre 2016
In a research just published in Nature Communications, Antonella De Pasquale, Davide Rossini, Rosario Fazio and Vittorio Giovannetti fill this gap. They propose a quantum-metrology approach to thermodynamics.
What happened after the lights came on in the universe? 27 Settembre 2016
"We here at SNS are at the cutting-edge of being able to interpret data from HERA, clarifying what the observations tell us about the first galaxies,” says Andrei Mesinger, who sits on the HERA executive board and is co-financing the project with a European Research Council grant”.
Vincenzo Barone Director of Scuola Normale for the 2016-2020 term 7 Luglio 2016
Barone is Professor of Physical Chemistry, and he will guide the institution beginning in the fall. Barone was the only candidate for the position, which is chosen by a vote of the entire faculty.
The birth of supermassive black holes 24 Maggio 2016
Astrophysicists have taken a major step forward in understanding how supermassive black holes formed. Using data from Hubble and two other space telescopes, Italian researchers have found the best evidence yet for the seeds that ultimately grow into these cosmic giants.
Stem cells are kept “ready to go” by a molecular clutch 10 Maggio 2016
What are the mechanisms that keep the stem cells of an embryo capable of generating every cell type in our organism? A team of researchers in Pisa, Rome, Florence and Cambridge (UK) coordinated by Dr. Federico Cremisi, has just given an answer to this question
EOI for 7 Teaching Positions 11 Aprile 2016
The Scuola Normale Superiore invites qualified scholars to apply for the following currently open Expression of Interest (EOI) positions: 3 at the Florence site and 3 in Pisa. Deadline for submission 31st May 2016