“Conversi Prize” awarded to Tommaso Pajero, PhD in Physics at Scuola Normale 24 Febbraio 2022

Pajero will receive the award for the best doctoral thesis in the field of subnuclear physics on 19 May at the INFN in Rome. The thesis was discussed under the supervision of Michael J. Morello.

A researcher of the Scuola Normale Superiore wins EU funding for the investigation of Galactic superwinds. 11 Gennaio 2022

Stefano Carniani, of the SNS Cosmology and Astrophysics Group, has secured 1 million 200 thousand euros in the form of an ERC Starting Grant, with a scientific project aiming to study the winds emitted by super-massive black holes, aided

Producing electricity from heat losses. The NEST Laboratory engineers the first device capable of achieving it in a controlled manner. 25 Novembre 2021
It is now possible to create a new generation of “smart” thermoelectric systems to generate clean electricity. The work, resulting from research carried out at the NEST laboratory of the Scuola Normale Superiore, gained the frontispiece in the Advanced Functional Materials scientific journal.
Donatella Della Porta receives the “Humboldt Research Award” 18 Novembre 2021
The prestigious prize has been awarded to the scholar, professor at the Scuola Normale, for the major impact of her research to the field of political and social sciences. 
Unveiling Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn That Were Hiding Behind the Dust 27 Settembre 2021

Scientists serendipitously discover two heavily dust-enshrouded galaxies that formed when the Universe was only 5% of its present age.

Pisa, 23 september 2021.

Admission to the Scuola Normale Superiore only with the Green Pass 2 Settembre 2021

The Green Pass, in electronic or paper format, must be shown to the porter's lodge staff on entering the SNS buildings.

A Normale’s PhD Candidate’s team wins the “Innovation 4 Change 2021” programme with a project for the animal well-being. 14 Luglio 2021
Mario Bernardi, 2nd year PhD student in Nanoscience, is the main representative of Farmelody, a business concept developed during the MBA carried out in collaboration with Scuola Normale and Collège des Ingénieurs Italia. The project will be presented in September to the entrepreneur and innovation guru Elon Musk.